Thursday, April 1, 2010

My one minute message on Education Today

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Again- an awesome Web 2.0 tool!


Here's a link to this album by Swedish Band Kammerer

Spanish vocab for students with Language Disorders

I have had students with language processing disorders and tryign to explain the disability to parents in Spanish is very difficult. The technical vocabulary is incredibly complex and hard to understand. What makes this even more difficult is that many times these parents have a limited education which makes it very hard for them to understand what is ailing their children and how to help them at home.

I decided to use this blog to create my own glossary of technical words to help me better understand and hopefully memorize terms for future reference. This way I can access the glossary from anywhere and maybe help other educators who are experiencing similar difficulties in communicating with Spanish speaking paretns about these disorders.

trastorno - disorder
language disorders- trastorno de lenguage
aislar- to isolate
aislarse- to cut oneself off
repercursiones educacionales- educational repercusions
discapacidad- disability
retraso- delay
padecer- to suffer, undergo
adquisicion- aquisition
patologo de habla y lenguaje - speech pathologist, speech and language pathologist
proporcionar- to provide or supply with
facilitar - facilitate, to make easier, to provide
asesores- advisors
asesorar - to advise, to act as a consultant
entorno- setting, environment
destacar- to emphasize, to stress
restringir- to restrict
contrarrestar- to counteract
potenciar- to promote, to boost
comprension comunicativa- comprehension of communication
fomentar- to boost, to encourage, to promote
propiciar- to favor or bring out

Monday, January 25, 2010

BP13_201025_LInk to comment on Nat. Howard

Link to post on Natalie Howard's blog

BP12_201025_One Minute Message 2

View my One Minute Message for xTimeline

BP11_201025_Web 2.0 Tools 3

x Timeline! What a fantastic Web 2.0 tool I found. This is a super duper online tool that all of your students and teachers can use alike. It is completely free and only requires that one create a profile. (What web tool doesn't require a sign up these days?) After you create your profile, password, personal info, photo of yourself, etc., you are free to create your very own timelines.

If you would rather use a timeline that has already been created. There is are six categories of content areas to choose from. These include the arts & entertainment, history, science & technology, biographies, organizations, and a random category called "other". I really like that there are a few broad categories because it makes it a bit easier for younger students to search through. Sometimes they can not handle too many choices- it gets to confusing for them. Now if you are the type that prefers more refined searches, there is a tag cloud available to use in your search. The "other" category is also nice because it allows you the freedom of creating a timeline in any content area you wish. You are not limited to creating a timeline solely in the categories listed.

The best feature of Timeline is the ability to include text, images, and videos to you timeline entries. You are not just limited to making a timeline with dates and a few words. You can hyperlink your entries to further descriptions of the entry and to images or videos that pertain to the subject. This is especially great for students who need visual aids for low comprehension, Language Learners, or students with special needs requirements. Students are also sure to enjoy using multimedia in their timeline creations.

Timeline encourages writing and researching skills in a variety of content areas. It also aids students in comprehending when and where events in history occur. I encourage you to go to and check out some of the timelines that people from all over the world have posted. I even saw a timeline about the Beatles in Spanish! Very cool and a great way to expose students to Web 2.0 application that people from all over the world can use collaboratively.

BP10_201025_Link to post on Thourn's blog

Here is my blog post on Thourn's blog.

Monday, January 18, 2010

BP9_201018_ One Minute Message

drumroll please............

And here is my one minute message!

BP8_201018_Discovering Web 2.0 Tools

I found an incredibly useful web tool called Jamendo. Jamendo is a web 2.0 application that allows users to download music from their site at no cost. There is no limit on the amount of downloads nor any legal issues with using their artists’ music. This is possible through Creative Commons, which grants licenses so that musicians can give away their music at no cost, but still have their rights protected. The only stipulation is that the user properly attributes the music they use in their blog, or website, etc. to the artist that composed the music. Jamendo also offers an upgraded version called Jamendo Pro. This version is available for a fee and is for those wanting to use their music for commercial purposes.
Jamendo is a great tool to use for students to use for media projects. There thousands of artists to select from and over twenty thousand albums to sift through. Students should have no problem finding something that is well suited for their project. In addition, Jamendo offers music from all over the world, a great way to expose students to music from other cultures.
In order to use Jamendo, you must have an account. Some of the music content may not be appropriate for students, so the teacher should probably preview the music and/or choose music for students to use. The teacher can also create a playlist of Jamendo music selections and save them on student computers. This will allow students to use the music freely, without having to ask the teacher for permission each time they want to create. It will also ensure that students are not viewing or listening to inappropriate content.
I will definitely use Jamendo with my students, assuming we can access the site from school. If not, I will have to explain to the powers that be how advantageous it is to have access to Jamendo.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

BP7_201012_Comment link to Kathy's Blog

Follow this link to my comment on Kathy's blog.

BP6_201012_Link to comment on Regina's Blog

Here is my link to my comment on Regina's blog.


image retrieved from portal/certifications/esl

The lesson I found for using Flickr in the classroom is targeted at teaching language to English Language Learners. This would be useful for teachers who teach ESL classes and for foreign language courses as well. I think the best thing about this lesson is that it is appropriate for many different age groups. You could use it to teach sight words to Kindergarteners that are learning how to read or high- school students who need to learn advanced content vocabulary.

Students that are in ESL classes or newcomers to the country would especially benefit from this lesson because of the ability to add text to the photo. It is very important for students who are learning a language to be provided with text so that they begin making visual connections with what they read and write. It is suggested that the photographs be accompanied with guiding questions such as "Can you describe what is happening in this photo? or, “How do you think these people are feeling?” or simply list vocabulary words with each photo. It is also suggested that this lesson be used to help students study for quizzes and exams. They also suggest teaching comparing/contrasting with Flickr, which I thought is a great way for students to practice their oral and written language use of comparison/contrasting vocabulary.

As I said earlier, this lesson can be useful to foreign language teachers as well. Flickr is available in many languages so there shouldn’t be any problem with using it in a foreign language class. Students can also create their own photostreams to demonstrate language acquisition understanding.

Monday, January 11, 2010


RSS Feeds
The first RSS feed I added is NPR topics: Media, because I listen to NPR at least twice a day and find it very informative and educational. It keeps me up to date on a variety of topics around the world. This feed is specific to media topics.

The next feed is How Stuff Works. I frequently use this website when teaching science lessons and encourage students to utilize it for searching for information.

The third feed is Science@NASA. Again, this is a great resource for science instruction and information that I can relay to my students or let them use for research.

image retrieved from feed://

The fourth feed is the Teacher Tube. This feed is great if you need to quickly find videos that are school friendly.

image retrieved from

The final feed is the Technology Review. This feed provides up to the minute information on technology news from around the world.


KNOWTES web 2.0 application

Discovering Web 2.0
I found many great web 2.0 tools in my search for web applications. There were so many to look through. I was a little bit worried that I would not be able to access all of them, but then I found the search tool clicked on elearning. I wish I had seen that from the beginning, but now I know to immediately use that tool the next time I need to search.
There were quite a few web applications for education, but not too many that are geared for elementary aged students. The few that I did find were awesome, and I am definitely going to try to tap into those if they aren't blocked.
The one web 2.0 app that I really found useful is called Knowtes. This application allows users to create flashcards for students to use for studying or testing. Actually, you could create them for any purpose. It allows you to insert images in your flashcards as well. I know that there are other web applications that involve creating flashcards or cards that your students can access to study online, but Knowtes has many more formatting options and the interface is much more user friendly. It is also appealing to the eye and will engage learners, especially the younger ones. The cards you create can also be shared with the public or simply saved solely for your students use.
Now to use this application, you must first sign in and create an account, surprise! No, really, it seems like all everything web -based requires you to create an account in order to use it first. Now, before you can create an account, you must be invited to Knowtes or you can invite yourself with one of their 900 public invites. After entering your email, you will then be sent an email invite with the link to a page that will then prompt you to create an account. I ended up just inviting myself, but now that I am a member, I can invite you too. =)
I would definitely use this tool for teaching vocabulary in all content areas, especially science. The fact that you can add images in the cards makes it that much more useful for my bilingual students. They need all of the visual/verbal activities they can get for rote practice and memorization of vocabulary and content. I would probably introduce the vocabulary or lesson material that students are going to be studying before sending them off to do the activity. Knowtes would be really useful for center/stations work or buddy activities.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Does anyone know why my references will not format???? This is very annoying!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


What's going on????





Educational uses for blogs

In my readings, I came to understand a very interesting fact that most people probably already know. The word blog is derived from the term “Web log”(Flierl and Fowler, 2007). I guess I never really thought about the origin of the term and so I began to ponder on the origin and meanings of those terms. Knowing this and how the term "blog" came to be helps me to better understand the purpose of a blog. Blogging is a way to log information with tools that are much more advanced than the ordinary pencil and paper. The information in a blog could potentially reach millions of people in a very short time. It is a log of ideas and thoughts, opinions or feelings that can be instantly published.
Truthfully, I never really had a desire to create my own blog. I would read other people’s blogs, but hesitated at the thought of authoring my own. However, after reading about the many uses of blogs in education, I see blogging in an entirely different light. I like the idea of using a blog as a personal learning environment. It is completely and solely your ideas and thoughts for other people to view. It is a perfect way for students to be involved in their own learning and take ownership of their work. I like the way that blogging can encourage students to participate in discussions within their immediate learning environment or student peers from across the world. That is what is ideal about blogging. At the touch of a button, our students can share ideas and make connections with students that are worlds away from them. While connecting to others they are practicing their reading and writing skills.
With all of the great advantages of blog use, there are some disadvantages that should be considered. The article “Use of blogs in online college classes”, provides a useful chart highlighting the pros and cons of using blogs. I can understand some of the problems with using blogs in the classroom. However, with the proper monitoring of student use, some of these problems can be avoided.

Image derived from Encyclopedia of Educational Technology


Flierl, R., Fowler, H. (2007). Educational uses of blogs and wikis. Retrieved from The

Phi Delta Kappan, 89, (3) Retrieved January 10, 2010, from

Trimarco, R. (2004). Use of blogs in online college classes. In

Encyclopedia of educational technology. Retrieved January 10, 2010, from